Generating Test Reports with a Spring Boot Selenium Automation Framework

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Generating Test Reports with a Spring Boot Selenium Automation Framework

Automated testing has become an integral part of software development processes. To perform automated testing with Selenium, we use a Selenium automation framework. In this article, we'll discuss how to generate test reports using a Spring Boot Selenium automation framework.

Setting up the Automation Framework

To set up the automation framework, we can use Maven to manage our dependencies. We need to include the following dependencies in our pom.xml file:


In this example, we've included the selenium-java and spring-boot-starter-webdriver dependencies to set up our Selenium automation framework. We've also included the extentreports library, which we'll use to generate our test reports.

Next, we can create a simple Selenium test class to test our application.

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
public class MySeleniumTest {

    private WebDriver driver;

    public void testHomePage() {

        // test code here

In this example, we've used the @SpringBootTest annotation to start our application in a defined port. We also used the @Autowired annotation to inject the WebDriver instance into our test class.

Implementing Assertion Strategies

To implement assertion strategies, we can use the AssertJ library. AssertJ is a fluent library for making assertions in Java.

public void testHomePage() {

    assertThat(driver.getTitle()).isEqualTo("Home Page");
        .isEqualTo("Welcome to My Application");

In this example, we've used the assertThat() method to make assertions on the title of the web page and the text content of the first h1 tag. AssertJ provides a wide range of assertion methods that make the code more readable and easier to understand.

We can also use the Hamcrest library for making assertions in Java. Hamcrest provides a wide range of matchers that can be used to make assertions on objects, strings, and collections.

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasSize;

public void testHomePage() {

    assertThat(driver.getTitle(), equalTo("Home Page"));
    assertThat(driver.findElements(By.tagName("h1")), hasSize(1));

In this example, we've used the assertThat() and equalTo() methods from the Hamcrest library to make assertions on the title of the web page. We've also used the assertThat() and hasSize() methods to make assertions on the number of h1 tags in the web page.

Generating Test Reports with Extent Reports

To generate test reports with Extent Reports, we need to create an instance of the ExtentReports class in our test class.

public class MySeleniumTest {

    private ExtentReports extent;

    public void startReport() {
        extent = new ExtentReports();
        ExtentHtmlReporter htmlReporter = new ExtentHtmlReporter("test-output/reports/MySeleniumTest.html");

    public void testHomePage() {
        ExtentTest test = extent.createTest("testHomePage", "Test if the home page is working");


        // test code here

        test.pass("Home page is working");

    public void endReport() {

In this example, we've created an instance of the ExtentReports class and attached an ExtentHtmlReporter to it. The ExtentHtmlReporter will generate an HTML test report with the specified file name (test-output/reports/MySeleniumTest.html).

Next, we've created an ExtentTest instance for our test method and added a test description. We've also included our test code in the method and added a test status with the pass() method.

Finally, we've flushed the ExtentReports instance in our @After method to create the test report.


In this article, we've discussed how to generate test reports in a Spring Boot Selenium automation framework using the extentreports library. By setting up the automation framework, creating a Selenium test class, and using the ExtentReports and ExtentHtmlReporter classes, we can generate HTML test reports for our automated tests.

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